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What are the Advantages and Precautions of Gear Pump?
2024-05-23 16:45:38
In general, a gear pump belongs to a positive displacement rotary pump with more than two internal gears. They work together to mechanically create vacuum pressure, which is intended to accelerate the flow of fluid through the pump. The gear pump is often used for the transportation of water, besides,  this machine also can be utilized in many different industries, such as the chemical or petroleum industries. Meanwhile, the gear pump is the ideal choice for conveying caustic and viscous fluids due to its exceptional qualities and smooth operation features. The following articles show the detailed advantages and precautions of gear pumps.
A gear pump is a device that has two gears of the same size meshing with one another inside a tightly fitting casing. It moves fluid mechanically to provide a smooth, pulse-free flow that is proportionate to the speed at which its gears rotate by repeatedly enclosing a set volume inside interlocking gears.
Gear Pump of Advantages
1. Low cost
The gear pump is easier to move and lighter than a standard pump, which helps to somewhat reduce transportation expenses. In addition, the gear pump is not expensive due to its straightforward design and lower production costs. In a word, using the gear pump in your production line can effectively save costs and improve working efficiency.
2. Great efficiency
By limiting energy usage and cutting operational expenses, gear pumps achieve great volumetric efficiency. Their effectiveness is especially useful in procedures where energy conservation is a top concern.
3. Non-sensitive to fluid viscosity and density
Changes in fluid density or viscosity do not significantly affect gear pumps. When a restrictor or strainer is positioned beside the discharge port, the gear pump will force the fluid to pass past them. The gear pump will continue to run continuously even if the filter is clogged or unclean until it hits the weakest component of the unit's mechanical limit. Consequently,  the gear pump is less susceptible to oil contamination and is better suited for usage in the petrochemical sector.
4. Simple operation & maintenance
The gear pump with a simple and compact structure consists of the pump body, front and rear covers, and the two gears that make up the gear pump are all very small. As a result, the gear pump weighs less than conventional pumps, making it easy to daily transport and requiring less labor. In other words, this machine is also easier to use and more convenient when the task content is the same by its lightweight. In the same time, it is easier to fix when issues arise due to its straightforward construction and smaller number of parts.

Handling Precautions
1. Keeping debris out
① No ferromagnetic impurities and particles are allowed to enter the magnetic drive and bearings.
② In order to prolong the service life of the plain bearings, they should be flushed promptly after conveying media that crystallize or precipitate easily. This involves filling the pump chamber with fresh water after stopping the pump and draining it after one minute of operation.
③ Filter the media at the pump flow pipe's input while transferring materials that contain solid particles.

2. Avoid arid friction
① It is strictly forbidden to idle.
② The medium cannot be evacuated under any circumstances.
③ In order to keep the magnetic actuator from overheating and malfunctioning, the pump's continuous operation period must not exceed two minutes when the outlet valve is closed. With good outcomes, gear pumps are employed in critical and hazardous sections of several installations in ethylene plants and refineries.

3. Keep from demagnetizing
① It is impossible to create the magnetic torque too tiny.
②It must be used within the designated temperature range, and going above the recommended mean temperature is strictly forbidden. In order to detect temperature rise in the annulus area and to alert or shut down the pump when the temperature surpasses the limit, a platinum resistance temperature sensor can be mounted on the outside of the gear pump isolating sleeve.
