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How to Operate the Boiler Circulating Pump Correctly?
2024-06-20 17:40:37
1. Way of Water Supply
Since the hot water boiler pump cannot be isolated from the system when it is out of service, the boiler and heating system should be watered separately. First boiler water to the expansion tank low water level, and then the system water. The system can be used to fill the system with tap water pressure, if the tap water pressure is still unable to fill the system, then the system can be filled with water using a boiler water circulating pump. The specific method is to close the boiler return pipe inlet valve, and then open the hot water circulation pump, the boiler water pressure to the system, and then adjust the boiler water level to the normal state when the system is full of water.   
2. Check Before Starting     
Open the inlet and outlet valves of the boiler first, then turn on the boiler feed water pump to circulate the water in the system and check whether the automatic switching valve is sensitive. Then stop the circulating boiler pump running for 1-2 hours and observe the water level of the boiler. Little or no change in the water level during this period indicates that the automatic switching valve is tightly closed. If the boiler water level rises rapidly after the pump is stopped, this indicates that the automatic switching valve is leaking badly and should be repaired or replaced promptly.
3. Control the Temperature
The water temperature of the atmospheric hot water boiler is too high, it is easy to cause vapourisation at the inlet of the circulating water pump for boiler, and affect the normal operation of the pump. Therefore, the temperature of the boiler outlet water should be controlled and the temperature of the outlet water should be controlled below 90℃.
4. Stop Running     
Stopping the furnace,  hot water boiler equipment and pressurised boiler operation is the same, but may not be subject to stopping the furnace water temperature below 50 ℃ in order to stop the pump requirements. Boiler shutdown process, if serious water hammer occurs due to vaporisation, you can use the boiler water supply pipe for water replenishment, you can also use the overflow pipe to reduce the furnace temperature and attenuate the vaporisation phenomenon. If there is no effect of steam and the amount of vaporisation is minimal, it can be left alone. If it is necessary to shut down the boiler for an extended period of time, the boiler water inlet and outlet valves should be closed to prevent backing up circulating water from the system into the boiler, which could cause the system to empty and interfere with restarting the boiler.
